Detroit Public TV
An Eye for Science
The Detroit Observatory is front and center in episode two of the documentary series An Uncommon Education: Celebrating 200 Years of the University of Michigan produced by Detroit Public TV.
Detroit Observatory Historical Timeline
Henry Philip Tappan becomes U-M's first president in Ann Arbor, collaborates with Henry Walker of Detroit to raise funds for an observatory.
Construction of Observatory begins.
Tappan orders a 12.5" refracting telescope from Henry Fitz of New York.
Tappan meets astronomers Johann Encke and Franz Brünnow at the Royal Observatory in Berlin. Brünnow agrees to oversee manufacture of a meridian circle telescope on Tappan's behalf.
Tappan orders a 6" meridian circle telescope from the firm of Pistor & Martins of Berlin.
Franz Brünnow is appointed first Observatory director.
Observatory building is completed.
Meridian circle telescope and Tiede sidereal clock are installed.
Jasper Cropsey, Hudson River painter, visits campus at Tappan's invitation and paints the Observatory and a campus landscape.
Following delivery of a defective Fitz telescope and use of a telescope on loan, the new Fitz refracting telescope — the current one — is installed in the dome.
Franz Brünnow and Rebecca Tappan marry.
James Craig Watson, Brünnow's star student, graduates.
Brünnow begins publication of 'Astronomical Notices,' U-M's first scholarly publication.
Brünnow accepts appointment at the Dudley Observatory in Albany, NY. James Craig Watson becomes acting director.
Brünnow returns to the University of Michigan, at the request of the Regents.
Franz Brünnow publishes his English translation of Part 1 of his magnum opus, Lehrbuch der spärischen Astronomie (Handbook of Spherical Astronomy). It will be a widely-used astronomy text for decades to come.
Longitude of Detroit Observatory is established, via telegraphic connection and joint observations with Hamilton College observatory.
Observatory time service begins this year.
Tappan is dismissed by Regents; Brünnow resigns; James Craig Watson becomes Observatory's second director.
Watson discovers his first asteroid, 79 Eurynome. Over the next 15 years, he will discover 21 more — out of 100 discovered worldwide during that period.
Brünnow is appointed Astronomer Royal at the Dunsink Observatory in Ireland.
Watson discovers asteroids 93 Minerva and 94 Aurora.
A director's residence is added to the west side of the Observatory, connected via the director's office in the west wing. City of Ann Arbor improves roads around the Observatory.
Watson discovers an unprecedented six asteroids: 100 Hekate, 101 Helena, 103 Hera, 104 Klymene, 105 Artemis, 106 Dione.
Watson observes total solar eclipse in Iowa
Watson works on Washington Zone astronomical observations for the U.S. Coastal Survey and also observes a solar eclipse in Sicily.
Watson discovers 115 Thyra.
Watson discovers 119 Althaea, 121 Hermione, 128 Nemesis.
Watson discovers 132 Aethra, 133 Cyrene.
Watson, in China for the transit of Venus, discovers 139 Juewa, allowing his Chinese hosts to name it. It is reportedly the first asteroid discovery in China.
Watson discovers 150 Nuwa.
Watson discovers 161 Athor and 168 Sibylla .
Watson discovers 174 Phaedra, 175 Andromache, and 179 Klytaemnestra, concluding his remarkable run of discoveries.
U.S. Government station set up on Observatory grounds to observe transit of Mercury; it then becomes the first Student Observatory.
Mary Byrd graduates from the University of Michigan. She would go on to become the first director of the Smith College Observatory and inspire generations of future female astronomers, including Harriet Williams Bigelow.
Watson claims to have discovered Planet Vulcan while observing a total solar eclipse in Wyoming.
Watson leaves U-M to become director of the new Washburn Observatory at University of Wisconsin-Madison. His student Mark W. Harrington is named director.
Student observatory is outfitted with new telescopes, including the 3" transit telescope by Fauth & Co with Clark optics, still in the Observatory's collection.
Assistant director J.M. Schaeberle discovers a comet, 1880 II.
The Observatory's 3rd director, Mark Harrington, begins meterological observations at the Observatory.
Schaeberle discovers another comet, 1881 IV.
Harrington founds 'American Meteorological Journal.'
Dome is converted: new shutter, dome cannon-ball rollers replaced with railroad-style track and wheels.
Harrington becomes first Chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau.
Harriet Williams Bigelow becomes the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in astronomy from Michigan. She goes on to become a leading astronomer until her untimely death in 1934.
William J. Hussey is appointed director. He begins to rebuild the U-M astronomy program, which had fallen behind the times in the previous two decades.
Fitz telescope is converted to steel tube; new mount; drive clock added.
Student Observatory moves to the west side of the Observatory.
Large 1908 addition is constructed on the east side of the Observatory.
37-1/2" reflecting telescope is completed and installed in dome of 1908 addition.
In an effort to ward off encroaching development, the Observatory grounds are expanded to the east by a gift of 26 acres from R.P. Lamont (Eng 1861).
The series Publications of the Observatory of the University of Michigan is launched.
The University develops plans to construct a coal-fired power plant to the west of the Observatory. Concerned about the impact of pollution on observing, Hussey explores moving the Observatory to Huddy Hill, about 3/4-mile southeast. The power plant is eventually completed in 1924, but the Observatory never moves.
A 27-inch refractor, named for R.P. Lamont, is completed and tested at the Observatory. Seeking darker and less polluted skies, Hussey will take the refractor to a new U-M observatory in South Africa. Unfortunately, he dies in transit.
Student Observatory moves to the roof of Angell Hall.
Hazel "Doc" Losh joins Astronomy faculty.
U-M's Lamont-Hussey Observatory in South Africa, with 27-inch refractor, is dedicated.
Heber Curtis, protagonist in "The Great Debate," named director.
McMath-Hulbert Observatory is established by amateur astronomers at Lake Angelus, Michigan. Later, a partnership with U-M is formed.
Robert McMath takes first films of the sun, establishing heliokinematography as a new field of astronomy.
Director's residence is torn down to make room for Couzens Hall expansion
The Astronomy Department moves from the Observatory to new quarters in the Dennison Building
U-M proposes to raze Observatory but Friends of the Observatory are successful in protecting it.
The Observatory is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
1908 addition is condemned and razed but the 1854 building is preserved
Proposal for restoration of the Observatory is developed, and Observatory is transferred to Office of the Vice President for Research.
Restoration is completed.
The Observatory is transferred to the Bentley Historical Library.
Public viewing nights begin.
Regents approve addition.
Construction of addition begins.
Observatory re-opens with new addition and renamed the Judy and Stanley Frankel Detroit Observatory.
Popular Articles and Videos
Detroit Public TV
An Eye for Science
The Detroit Observatory is front and center in episode two of the documentary series An Uncommon Education: Celebrating 200 Years of the University of Michigan produced by Detroit Public TV.
Bentley Historical Library
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Bentley Historical Library
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Bentley Historical Library
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Detroit Observatory
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Bentley Historical Library
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Bentley Historical Library
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Bentley Historical Library
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Bentley Historical Library
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Michigan Radio
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Bentley Historical Library
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The Michigan Daily
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Bentley Historical Library
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Observatory History in Depth
The Detroit Observatory and American Astronomy
downloadTimekeeping and the Detroit Observatory
downloadTransits, Eclipses, and Missing Planets
downloadComets and the Detroit Observatory
downloadThe California-Michigan Axis: Lick Observatory and the Revitalization of the Detroit Observatory
downloadThe Detroit Observatory and Meteorology
downloadThe Detroit Observatory and the History of Telescopes
downloadThe Donors to the Observatory
downloadA creation of his own : Tappan’s Detroit Observatory
download“Astronomy.” The University of Michigan, An Encyclopedic Survey
downloadA detailed chronology of the Detroit Observatory (Whitesell)
downloadPublications about the Detroit Observatory
downloadPublications by Astronomers at Detroit Observatory
downloadPublications by Astronomers after leaving the Detroit Observatory
downloadCitations of Work at the Detroit Observatory
downloadThe Detroit Observatory and the U.S. Lakes Survey
downloadDetroit Observatory: Nineteenth-Century Training Ground for Astronomers
downloadUniversity of Michigan Undergraduates and the Detroit Observatory, 1855-1954
downloadVisit the History of U-M website, which serves as a doorway to historical resources across the University that showcase 200 years of transformation.